It’s unbelievable that after 15 years, The Simpsons continues to be hilarious. This past Sunday, while fighting fever delirium, I watched a new episode of The Simpsons and it wasn’t that good. But for whatever reason, watching it made me scour through the 153-odd unwatched episodes on my TiVO. Of course, I’d seen most of the previous episodes but had seen none from this season. Tonight, instead of watching me perform (mediocrely) on an ABC sitcom, I watched a recorded Simpsons episode from November about Homer running for mayor and it had my sides splitting. Splitting like an overripe melon thrown off of a gymnasium roof!
It just amazed me that the show can still surprise. Of course, I can’t remember a single joke – that’s not my thing – but it was high-larious. It ain’t perfect, but the consistency is to be commended. And if you’re wondering how I can have so many episodes on my TiVO (at high quality), it takes about a $100 and an hour to increase your TiVO’s capacity 8-fold.
Anyhow, still mildly sick, but had some wine tonight anyhow. What else was I supposed to drink with my penne with bitter greens? It’s so easy, by the way. Go into my garden and pluck a couple handfuls of bitter greens, chop them up and sauté them with some sliced garlic. Add some cooked penne, salt, pepper and grated romano and you’re done. Unless you want to add some truffle oil, as I did. Couldn’t be simpler.
Sleep now.